Watermelon Mint Summer Salad

Watermelon Mint Summer Salad.jpg

If you want a super simple side dish to take to the next summer BBQ that will have everyone raving then this Summer Watermelon Salad is your ticket to side dish stardom! You can thank me later. 

🔅 1 small seedless watermelon, cubed
🔅 1 extra large avocado, chunked
🔅 1/2 small red onion, thinly sliced
🔅 3 small radishes, sliced
🔅 large handful of basil, chopped
🔅 2-3 T EVOO, sea salt, cracked pepper
🔅 1 T fresh squeezed lime juice and zest
🔅 few handfuls of pistachios
🔅 feta cheese, crumbled 

Mix all ingredients together except the pistachios and feta. Let chill in the fridge for at least 30 minutes. Top with pistachios and crumbled feta just before serving.  #vivbuzz