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What Makes Vitamin D so Special?

Well for starters it really isn't even a vitamin but instead a hormone - and we know the power of importance of hormones. Vitamin D is a powerhouse in which science has just begun to scratch the surface on its many functions. Stats show over 40% of Americans are deficient. Vitamin D is critical for many bodily functions but the most important for me is the ability to regulate cell growth. Low levels of vitamin D has been linked to some cancers and autoimmune diseases. Vitamin D can increase serotonin production from 100% - 3000%. When I started taking a Vitamin D supplement a few years back, I noticed (and my husband too) how much happier I was! It is one of the few Vitamins that I have seen a quick and impactful difference in everyday health. I wish that our medical and mental care systems would look at blood levels of critical vitamins and minerals (magnesium, Vitamin D, selenium, etc.) before subscribing so many meds. Rx drugs can be useful in some extreme cases but often a few simple changes in diet and supplemental support is all that is needed. The prescribing of harsh chemicals only leads to a ripple health impacts and many side effects.


Straight from WebMD: “Wouldn’t it be great if one vitamin could build stronger bones and protect against diabetes, multiple sclerosis, cancer, heart disease, and depression? Or even help you lose weight? Researchers have high hopes for vitamin D” It has been the most studied Vitamin in the 21st century. Studies have also looked at the lower levels of cancer for those living close to the equator. The FDA even increased the recommended daily intake from 200, to 400, and now a push for 1000 IU for adults. As they have to apply RDAs to the masses, the FDA takes a very conservative approach with their RDAs. They did however update the values in 2016 from the original 1968 recommendations – VICTORY! All manufacturers must use the new values starting July 26, 2019 - at the latest.


Before taking any supplement, it is always best to request blood work from your doctor. Specifically ask for your Vit D levels. As one may imagine they tend to dip even lower in the winter months when we are indoors more and less sunshine. (Also contributing to a rise in depression in the winter months.) Many people increase their Vitamin D dosage in the winter to offset. Make sure to buy Vit D3 (cholecalciferol) not D2. It is better utilized by the body. And as with anything……to much of a good thing does not equal better!!!!!

For another great read on Vitamin D and 7 signs that you could be deficient please check out: